Selection process

When the application period closes, FBA will first screen all applications and verify if all applicants fulfil the formal requirements. Thereafter, FBA will review and rate the approved applicants and provide the hosting organizations with a longlist of candidates.

The applications will be assessed according to a conclusion of the following criteria:

  • Formal competence and merit: Relevance of educational background, and previous experience in relation to the women, peace and security agenda.
  • Functional competence: Ability to transform relevant knowledge and experience into skills and practices relevant to the hosting organization (see the terms of reference for the placement in question).
  • Personal suitability: Motivation and/or need to gain experience in the context of the placement and from work with the women, peace and security agenda, as well as motivation and/or need to participate in capacity-building and networking activities .

Candidates shortlisted by a hosting organization and FBA will be invited for interviews with a joint interview panel, where FBA and the hosting organization will be represented alongside representatives from the Swedish diplomatic mission in the country in question. In connection with the interview, candidates will be asked for documentation and references.


Valeriia Pysanko tilldelas 1325-stipendiet till minne av Zaida Catalán

Ukrainska Valeriia Pysanko är mottagare av stipendiet för FN:s säkerhetsrådsresolution 1325 om kvinnor, fred och säkerhet, till minne av Zaida Catalán. Som första stipendiat i Ukraina kommer hon att tillbringa ett år hos organisationen Ukrainian Women’s Fund i Kiev.

2025-01-31 08:16

Läs våra publikationer

Omslagsbild, Beyond vulnerability. En grupp unga syns ovanifrån när de går på rad över en bild av träd. Nedanför är publikationens titel och logotyper för UNDPA, Sipri och FBA.

Beyond Vulnerability: A Guidance Note on Youth, Climate, Peace and Security

In recent years, young people’s crucial role in preventing conflict and maintaining peace has become increasingly recognized as the Youth, Peace and Security (YPS) agenda has gained momentum. At the same time, the Climate, Peace and Security (CPS) field is developing rapidly at the research and policy levels. CPS is also increasingly becoming an entry point for programming; recognizing the interactions between climate change and existing vulnerabilities, which compound risks of insecurity, including violent conflict and the erosion of social cohesion.

UNDP, Sipri, FBA
En världskarta med länderna utmarkerade i olika färger.

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Till följd av Rysslands invasion har FBA både ökat och anpassat sitt arbete i Ukraina.

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Till följd av Rysslands invasion har FBA både ökat och anpassat sitt arbete i Ukraina.

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Klara Grenhagen är specialist med fokus på dialog, försoning och fredsprocesser.

Klara Grenhagen

Klara Grenhagen är specialist med fokus på dialog, försoning och fredsprocesser.

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