Valeriia Pysanko tilldelas 1325-stipendiet för kvinnor, fred och säkerhet i Ukraina.
Understanding the Implementation of Gender Stipulations in Peace Agreements
This research brief is part of a series, initiated in connection to the 20th anniversary of UNSCR 1325 and promotes the realization of the Women, Peace and Security agenda through evidence-based policy and practice. It is the result of a collaboration between the Folke Bernadotte Acacemy (FBA), the Peace Research Institute Oslo (PRIO), and UN Women.
This research brief argues that to achieve meaningful peacebuilding and actual long-term changes in gender equality, women's participation and explicit commitments to women’s rights need to be sustained throughout the entire peace process.
We need to continue efforts to expand the scope of the WPS agenda beyond the peace negotiation phase to include the peace accord implementation phase. We also need to become even more targeted in our actions to realize the desired objectives.
Authors: Madhav Joshi, Louise Olsson, Rebecca Gindele, Josefina Echavarría Alvarez, Elise Ditta and Patrick McQuestion