UN Peace Operations and the Rule of Law 1989–2017
This report contains unique empirical data from 76 UN peace operations between 1989 and 2017. The data paint a picture of the kinds of rule of law assistance that have actually been provided, and allow discussion on how important shifts in peacekeeping and rule of law policy reflect in practice.
There is widespread recognition that the rule of law is an essential foundation for development and human rights, as well as a necessary condition for establishing and sustaining peace after conflicts. Rule of law promotion has accordingly become a key objective of UN peace operations and considerable resources are being invested in a range of rule of law-related topics and activities.
It is also recognized, including by the UN itself, that UN rule of law promotion faces difficult conceptual, institutional and resource-related challenges. There is currently discussion within the UN on how to address these. This thought process, as well as its articulation into workable policies and tools, requires a holistic understanding of what has already been done and why. It is expected that this report will be able to contribute to this.