Ett av de sex forskningsprojekt som FBA finansierar undersöker hur lokalt självstyre fungerar i krigstid i Ukraina.
What are the drivers of inclusion in peace negotiations? How can meaningful participation in peace processes be ensured? This research brief shows that civil society engagement, in the form of non-violent protests, demonstrations, or other forms of street action can help shape the conditions for inclusive peace talks in civil wars. We also present trends and patterns based on data on civil society engagement across civil wars in Africa, the Americas, and the Middle East. We propose three recommendations directed at international peacebuilding actors who strive to promote inclusive peace processes.
This brief is part of a research brief series generated by a joint initiative by the Folke Bernadotte Academy (FBA) and the African Centre for the Constructive Resolution of Disputes (ACCORD). The aim of the series is to contribute to policy development by bringing cutting-edge research on key issues within mediation to the attention of policy makers and practitioners. The topics to be explored in the series were selected during joint discussions within the FBA initiative “Improving Mediation Effectiveness” throughout 2021-2023. The Initiative brought together policymakers, practitioners, and researchers within the mediation field to discuss challenges and opportunities for greater effectiveness in mediation. The editorial committee has consisted of Dr. Niklas Hultin, Agnes Cronholm, Dr. Johanna Malm and Maja Jakobsson from FBA, and Andrea Prah from ACCORD. We would like to thank the members of the Mediation Support Network for comments. The views and opinions expressed in the brief series are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of the collaborating partners.
Coherence, coordination and complementarity? Multi-track mediation and quality peace agreements
DOI: https://doi.org/10.61880/NNDB6777
Inom ramen för FBA:s forskningsbidrag 2025 finansieras policyrelevanta forskningsprojekt rörande exempelvis lokalt självstyre i Ukraina under den fullskaliga ryska invasionen, den colombianska befolkningens syn på fredsprocessen, koalitionsbyggande i auktoritära regimer, och belägringar som genomförs av icke-statliga väpnade grupper.
2025-03-03 16:13FBA har i uppdrag att bidra till Sveriges bistånd i frågor som rör fred och säkerhet
Läs mer om de länder där vi arbetarTill följd av Rysslands invasion har FBA både ökat och anpassat sitt arbete i Ukraina.
Så här bistår FBAKlara Grenhagen är specialist med fokus på dialog, försoning och fredsprocesser.
Läs mer om våra experter