Valeriia Pysanko, recipient of the 1325 scholarship for women, peace and security in Ukraine.
FBA annually funds research projects within peace, security, and development conducted by members of the agency's international research groups. The grants promote empirical research with high policy relevance.
Since 2005, FBA has supported more than 150 research projects linked to the agency's areas of operation. Over the years, FBA's research grants have enabled numerous scientific articles, books, and other publications important for more effective aid and other policy developments in international development cooperation.
– This year, FBA is granting funding to eleven policy-relevant research projects. Several of them focus on Ukraine and its surrounding areas, reflecting Sweden's increased focus on the region. The projects are expected to strengthen FBA's efforts to create long-term conditions for peace and security in Ukraine, says FBA's Head of Research, Johanna Malm.
The research projects focus on thematic areas including security sector reform, peace mediation, women, peace and security, climate security, and the disarmament, demobilization, and reintegration of former combatants.
– New this year is that members of FBA's research groups were offered the opportunity to discuss their project ideas directly with FBA practitioners before submitting their applications. The consultations have been appreciated, and we see a clear effect in the form of innovative project ideas and enhanced practical relevance, says Johanna Malm.
Karina Shyrokykh
After Russia's full-scale invasion of Ukraine, municipalities in several countries in the Baltic Sea region have strengthened their cooperation with municipalities in Ukraine. This project investigates the effects of such cooperation in international crises.
Stefan Döring, Tobias Ide
War affects trust and cooperation within different parts of society. Damage to infrastructure and the environment, as in Ukraine, raises questions about the impact on social cohesion. This study examines how such damage affects trust and cooperation, which are vital components for building peace post-conflict. The analysis will be based on two surveys conducted in Ukraine, focusing on perceived environmental damage, infrastructure impact, and trust in individuals and institutions. The research will provide insights into the role of social cohesion in humanitarian aid and peacebuilding in war-torn areas.
Eleanor Knott
The project examines Moldova's situation with both high risks and significant opportunities following Russia's full-scale invasion of Ukraine, from the perspective of ordinary citizens. The project will conduct focus groups across Moldova to capture the hopes, fears, and challenges of ordinary citizens.
Janet Vähämäki, Fredrik Söderbaum
International aid organizations today face strong demands to deliver clear, visible, and measurable results. While well-tailored result monitoring can increase the efficiency and productivity of an organization's work, procedures can sometimes become counterproductive. This project investigates how experts at the Folke Bernadotte Academy handle demands for result reporting and measurement while remaining relevant to the organization's purpose. The project will help demonstrate how result requirements can be better adapted and support the effectiveness of the organization's core activities.
Judith Verweijen, Tarila Marclint Ebiede
The project examines the interplay between gender, climate change, and processes for disarmament, demobilization, and reintegration (DDR). Through two case studies in eastern DR Congo and northeastern Nigeria, it explores how climate and environmental changes affect DDR processes and how these effects are shaped by gender aspects. The results will contribute to developing a toolkit for environmentally, climate, and gender-conscious DDR.
Gyda Sindre
Filling a research gap that bridge “Politics of DDR” with peace mediation, this project seeks to collect and analyze novel data about how Non-State Armed Groups (NSAGs) mediate their own political transitions as part of peace processes. Conversely it also provides new insights on the role mediators can (and do) play in forging political (re)integration as part of peace talks and DDR. Relying on a two-step qualitative data collection strategy that include elite interviews, desk study and in-depth fieldwork (in two of the selected cases), the data will contribute to research-practice of relevance to FBA’s ongoing work in these areas.
Alejandra del Pilar Ortiz-Ayala, Lucia Tiscornia
The project investigates the importance of sociopsychological factors for the security sector's use of violence, through a case study of the Colombian National Police. It complements existing research on the security sector's use of violence and coercion and on institutional reforms within the security sector. The study examines perceptions of threats, emotions, and identity among serving police officers and how these factors affect their relationship with civilians and their willingness to protect civilians post-civil war.
Priscyll Anctil Avoine
Under President Gustavo Petro, Colombia's government has initiated negotiations with the ELN and other guerrilla groups. The country has also adopted its first national action plan for women, peace, and security, and there has been talk of a future feminist foreign policy. Despite this, many female former combatants in Colombia feel that their political reintegration does not match the peace agreement concluded in 2016 with the FARC guerrillas. This project analyzes their involvement in shaping Colombia's national action plan for women, peace, and security.
Helen Berents, Yulia Nesterova
In the field of youth, peace, and security (YPS), the importance of intergenerational dialogue for peacebuilding is increasingly recognized. This project is the first to examine the practical application and consequences of intergenerational activities within the YPS field academically. The project will involve actors who have helped shape the YPS agenda in the Democratic Republic of Congo, Nigeria, and the Philippines. It will use literature reviews, surveys, and interviews to learn from existing intergenerational advocacy efforts for YPS and deepen our understanding of intergenerational initiatives as a tool for peacebuilding.
Toni Haastrup, Catriona Standfield
The project examines how Gender-Responsive Leadership is realized in peace processes. Focusing on Sudanese women affected by ongoing conflicts, and the African Union (AU) as a peace actor, it explores how leadership can be designed and institutionalized within Africa's mediation structure to achieve just peace for both genders. Using qualitative methods, the project aims to highlight not only the agency of Sudanese women but also support FBA's ongoing work with and about women, peace, and security (WPS), mediation, and support to the AU.
Ashley Jackson
This project investigates civilian life in areas controlled by Al-Shabaab in Somalia, focusing on women and youth. It aims to improve the understanding of civilians' survival and engagement strategies and contributes to both conflict studies and practical peace efforts in Somalia.
Ukrainian Valeriia Pysanko receives the UN Security Council Resolution 1325 Scholarship on Women, Peace and Security, in Memory of Zaida Catalán. As the first scholarship recipient in Ukraine, she will be spending a year with the Ukrainian Women’s Fund in Kyiv.
2025-01-31 08:16FBA has both increased and adapted its work in Ukraine in the wake of Russia's invasion.
FBA in UkraineKlara Grenhagen works as a specialist at FBA's Africa unit with a focus on dialogue, reconciliation and peace processes.
More about our expertsFBA is part of Sweden’s development aid within the area of peace and security
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