Afghan Women Leaders Forum

The EU-facilitated Afghan Women Leaders Forum was established in 2022 as a first step to ensure a structured and continuous platform for Afghan women from diverse backgrounds after the Taliban take-over on 15 August 2021. The aim is to ensure women’s active and meaningful participation in the dialogue about current developments and the future of Afghanistan. FBA supports the initiative together with the CMI-Martti Ahtisaari Peace Foundation as part of our implementation of the EU Afghanistan Peace Support Mechanism.

The forum includes a wide variety of Afghan women, civil society and political leaders and activists, lawyers, journalists, and representatives from the afghan women’s movement, both from within and outside of Afghanistan. 

On 10 March 2022, the forum was launched through a virtual meeting with almost 50 Afghan Women leaders joining from Afghanistan and different parts of the world.

A second hybrid meeting was held on 22 May where almost 60 Afghan women participated.

Press statement from the members of Afghan Women Leaders Forum 19-22 May.

Almost 60 Afghan Women Leaders reconvened on 8-10 November 2022 in Brussels for a third hybrid meeting of the Afghan Women Leaders’ Forum (AWLF), facilitated by the EU, as a continuation of the structured effort to provide a platform for Afghan women to participate and have their views considered in international policy dialogues on Afghanistan.

Press statement from the third hybrid meeting of Afghan Women Leaders Forum 8-10 November.


Valeriia Pysanko awarded the 1325 scholarship in memory of Zaida Catalán

Ukrainian Valeriia Pysanko receives the UN Security Council Resolution 1325 Scholarship on Women, Peace and Security, in Memory of Zaida Catalán. As the first scholarship recipient in Ukraine, she will be spending a year with the Ukrainian Women’s Fund in Kyiv.

2025-01-31 08:16

Read our publications

Cover of Beyond Vulnerability: A Guidance Note on Youth, Climate, Peace and Security. A group of young people photographed from above walking in a row across a pocture of trees. Below is the title and the logos of UNDPA, Sipri and FBA.

Beyond Vulnerability: A Guidance Note on Youth, Climate, Peace and Security

In recent years, young people’s crucial role in preventing conflict and maintaining peace has become increasingly recognized as the Youth, Peace and Security (YPS) agenda has gained momentum. At the same time, the Climate, Peace and Security (CPS) field is developing rapidly at the research and policy levels. CPS is also increasingly becoming an entry point for programming; recognizing the interactions between climate change and existing vulnerabilities, which compound risks of insecurity, including violent conflict and the erosion of social cohesion.

UNDP, Sipri, FBA

On international deployment


Abstract silhouettes of people, the backdrop is a Ukrainian flag.

The War in Ukraine – How FBA is Assisting

FBA has both increased and adapted its work in Ukraine in the wake of Russia's invasion.

FBA in Ukraine
Klara Grenhagen works as a specialist at FBA's Africa unit with a focus on dialogue, reconciliation and peace processes.

Klara Grenhagen

Klara Grenhagen works as a specialist at FBA's Africa unit with a focus on dialogue, reconciliation and peace processes.

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