Research Working Groups

The international research working groups set up by the FBA constitute an important part of our research-promoting activities.

FBA promotes research with the aim of contributing to evidence-based and effective peacebuilding. Therefore, FBA has International Research Working Groups whose members conduct research in geographical and thematic areas of relevance to FBA's work.

These groups act as a bridge between the research world and FBA's work, including by being available for advice, giving research presentations and publishing practitioner-oriented summaries of their research in FBA Research Briefs.


The members of FBA's International Research Working Groups are not employed by FBA and receive no compensation for the membership. 

FBA makes an open call for new members every four years or more often, depending on our needs. FBA strives for equality and diversity in the composition of the groups, regarding the level of academic seniority as well as the researchers' methodological and epistemological starting points, as well as their and geographical origin.

International Research Working Groups 2023–2027

Folke Bernadotte Academy (FBA) have now launched new International Research Working Groups for the 2023–2027 period.​ Through the International Research Working Groups, 75 newly affiliated researchers will contribute with their expertise and research to FBA’s work through thematic, geographical, and methodological advice. By means of their wide-ranging expertise, the groups are expected to strengthen the agency's ability to respond proactively to emerging trends within peace and security.

Below is the complete list of researchers associated with FBA through the new International Research Working Groups: 

FBA’s International Research Working Groups (2023-2027)


Valeriia Pysanko awarded the 1325 scholarship in memory of Zaida Catalán

Ukrainian Valeriia Pysanko receives the UN Security Council Resolution 1325 Scholarship on Women, Peace and Security, in Memory of Zaida Catalán. As the first scholarship recipient in Ukraine, she will be spending a year with the Ukrainian Women’s Fund in Kyiv.

2025-01-31 08:16

Read our publications

Cover of Beyond Vulnerability: A Guidance Note on Youth, Climate, Peace and Security. A group of young people photographed from above walking in a row across a pocture of trees. Below is the title and the logos of UNDPA, Sipri and FBA.

Beyond Vulnerability: A Guidance Note on Youth, Climate, Peace and Security

In recent years, young people’s crucial role in preventing conflict and maintaining peace has become increasingly recognized as the Youth, Peace and Security (YPS) agenda has gained momentum. At the same time, the Climate, Peace and Security (CPS) field is developing rapidly at the research and policy levels. CPS is also increasingly becoming an entry point for programming; recognizing the interactions between climate change and existing vulnerabilities, which compound risks of insecurity, including violent conflict and the erosion of social cohesion.

UNDP, Sipri, FBA

On international deployment


Abstract silhouettes of people, the backdrop is a Ukrainian flag.

The War in Ukraine – How FBA is Assisting

FBA has both increased and adapted its work in Ukraine in the wake of Russia's invasion.

FBA in Ukraine
Klara Grenhagen works as a specialist at FBA's Africa unit with a focus on dialogue, reconciliation and peace processes.

Klara Grenhagen

Klara Grenhagen works as a specialist at FBA's Africa unit with a focus on dialogue, reconciliation and peace processes.

More about our experts
Cloesup photo of the top half of a globe

Our partner countries

FBA is part of Sweden’s development aid within the area of peace and security

Read more about the countries where we work