Research Grants

Each year, FBA grants funds to the members of our international research working groups, for research projects within the field of peace, security and development. The grants aim to promote empirical, policy-relevant scientific research.

Since 2005 the FBA has supported approximately 150 research projects, among them data collections, surveys and experimental studies. The research grants have enabled the publication of a large number of scientific papers, books and articles of relevance to international policy development.

Funds are granted once a year and members of FBA’s research working groups can apply. The applications are evaluated by a committee composed of senior researchers and practitioners.

Approved grants in recent years

During 2024, FBA grants a total of 2,6 million SEK to 11 research projects. Click here to find a summary of the researchers and projects that are granted funds in 2024.

During 2023, FBA grants a total of 3 million SEK to 8 research projects. Click here to find a summary of the researchers and projects that are granted funds in 2023.

During 2022, FBA grants a total of 1,68 million SEK to 4 research projects. Click here to find a summary of the researchers and projects that are granted funds in 2022.

During 2021, FBA grants a total of 2,7 million SEK to 10 research projects and 1 research workshops. Click here to find a summary of the researchers and projects that are granted funds in 2021.

During 2020, FBA grants a total of 3,5 million SEK to 10 research projects and 2 research workshops. Click here to find a summary of the researchers and projects that are granted funds in 2020.

During 2019, FBA granted a total of 3,3 million SEK to 12 research projects and 2 research workshops. Click here to find a summary of the researchers and projects that have been granted funds in 2019.

During 2018, FBA granted a total of 3 million SEK to 13 research projects. Click here to find a summary of the researchers and projects that have been granted funds in 2018.

During 2017, FBA granted a total of 2.4 million SEK to 11 research projects. Click here to find a summary of the researchers and projects that have been granted funds in 2017.


Call for members to new International Research Working Groups

Participating in FBA’s International Research Working Groups offers a unique opportunity for researchers to contribute to the work for peace, security, and development. The thematic scope is now expanding with five new groups, inviting interested scholars from around the world to apply.

2025-03-13 16:49

Read our publications

The Gender-Responsive Leader's Handbook

Gender equality is both a goal and a prerequisite for sustainable peace and development. FBA’s Gender-Responsive Leadership (GRL) Initiative is designed to support leaders and managers within organizations such as the EU, UN, ECOWAS, OSCE and the African Union to fulfill their central role in enabling gender equal peace, security and development work.

Leslie Groves-Williams, Gabriela Elroy, Kristin Valasek

On international deployment


Abstract silhouettes of people, the backdrop is a Ukrainian flag.

The War in Ukraine – How FBA is Assisting

FBA has both increased and adapted its work in Ukraine in the wake of Russia's invasion.

FBA in Ukraine
Klara Grenhagen works as a specialist at FBA's Africa unit with a focus on dialogue, reconciliation and peace processes.

Klara Grenhagen

Klara Grenhagen works as a specialist at FBA's Africa unit with a focus on dialogue, reconciliation and peace processes.

More about our experts
Cloesup photo of the top half of a globe

Our partner countries

FBA is part of Sweden’s development aid within the area of peace and security

Read more about the countries where we work