Abdalhadi Alijla
Research within FBA's areas of expertise, the Middle East
- Phone:
- +46 10-490 32 21
- Email:
- abdalhadi.alijla@fba.se
Camilla Riesenfeld
Colombia, ELN, FN peace operations and inclusion issues
- Phone:
- +46 10-456 23 67
- Email:
- Camilla.Riesenfeld@fba.se
Eldridge Adolfo
Afghanistan, Western Balkans, Africa, Preventive Diplomacy
- Phone:
- +46 10-456 23 55
- Email:
- eldridge.adolfo(a)fba.se
Emma Skeppström
Conflict prevention and peacebuilding | Security sector reform
- Phone:
- +46 10-456 23 41
- Email:
- emma.skeppstrom(a)fba.se
Erike Tanghøj
Inclusive peace processes
- Phone:
- +46 10-456 24 56
- Email:
- erike.tanghoj(a)fba.se
Gabriela Elroy
Women, peace and security
- Phone:
- +46 10-456 23 04
- Email:
- gabriela.elroy(a)fba.se
Gabriel Andrén
- Phone:
- +46 10-190 10 42
- Email:
- gabriel.andren@fba.se
Helena Vazquez
State-building and human security
- Phone:
- +46 10-456 23 51
- Email:
- helena.vazquez@fba.se
Helen Wilandh
FBA's work in Africa
- Phone:
- +46 10-456 24 26
- Email:
- helen.wilandh(a)fba.se
Jens Samuelsson Schjørlien
Democracy and governance, leadership and cooperation in peace operations
- Phone:
- +46 10-456 23 16
- Email:
- jens.schjorlien(a)fba.se
Johanna Gårdmark
Ukraine, international peace operations and civil-military cooperation
- Phone:
- +46 10-456 23 51
- Email:
- johanna.gardmark(a)fba.se
Johanna Malm
Head of Research
- Phone:
- +46 10-190 10 51
- Email:
- johanna.malm(a)fba.se
Jonny Hogg
The Democratic Republic of the Congo
- Phone:
- +46-180 55 82
- Email:
- jonny.hogg@fba.se
Lejla Hastor
Western Balkans
- Phone:
- +46 10-490 32 87
- Email:
- lejla.hastor@fba.se
Lina Frödin
Palestine and state-building
- Phone:
- +46 10-456 23 76
- Email:
- lina.frodin(a)fba.se
Lisa Ljungström
Multilateral Cooperation | Liberia
- Phone:
- +46 10-456 23 62
- Email:
- lisa.ljungstrom(a)fba.se
Markus Derblom
The African Union and peace operations
- Phone:
- +46 10-456 24 28
- Email:
- markus.derblom(a)fba.se
Niklas Lindskog
Civilian crisis management and international deployments
- Phone:
- +46 10-456 23 84
- Email:
- niklas.lindskog(a)fba.se
Pär Sköld
Myanmar, peace and democracy building
- Phone:
- +46 10-456 24 64
- Email:
- par.skold(a)fba.se
Saba Nowzari
Sustainable peacebuilding | support to peace processes
- Phone:
- +46 10-456 24 08
- Email:
- saba.nowzari(a)fba.se
Stefan Åström
Latin America and disarmament of ex-combatants
- Phone:
- +46 10-456 23 48
- Email:
- stefan.astrom(a)fba.se
Stina Larserud
Election observation
- Phone:
- +46 10-456 23 78
- Email:
- stina.larserud(a)fba.se
Taleb Sobeh
Iraq and Palestine
- Phone:
- +46 10-456 23 68
- Email:
- taleb.sobeh(a)fba.se
Klara Grenhagen
Mozambique, dialogue, reconciliation, and peace processes
- Phone:
- +46 10-456 23 29
- Email:
- klara.grenhagen@fba.se
Pathways for peacebuilding in areas controlled by de facto authorites
What are the challenges and opportunities for peacebuilding actors working in areas controlled by non-state actors or informal institutions? To shed light on this important question, FBA recently organized a scientific workshop on “De facto authorities, service provisioning and gender” in Stockholm. Twelve researchers presented work related to de facto authorities and engaged in dialogue with FBA’s practitioners.
2024-12-12 15:53The War in Ukraine – How FBA is Assisting
FBA has both increased and adapted its work in Ukraine in the wake of Russia's invasion.
FBA in UkraineKlara Grenhagen
Klara Grenhagen works as a specialist at FBA's Africa unit with a focus on dialogue, reconciliation and peace processes.
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FBA is part of Sweden’s development aid within the area of peace and security
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