One of the six research projects funded by FBA studies the functioning of local self-government bodies in wartime in Ukraine.
To discuss this pressing issue deeper, FBA invited researchers from around the world to a three-day exchange of knowledge and expertise. The workshop’s first part focused on researchers presenting their individual papers, with a special focus on the UN, EU, and NATO. The last day featured an interesting research-practitioner dialogue, to give the participants better tools to strengthen multilateralism in practice, now and for the future. Most of the participating researchers were part of FBA's Research Working Groups, spanning expertise in peace operations and dialogue, peace mediation and peace processes.
The three-day interactions confirmed how complex and urgent current challenges are, discussing the effects of e.g. increasing disagreement from member states on global norms like gender equality and protection of civilians; the increased focus on hard security over peace in the conflict resolution and management field; and membership questions, with e.g. the UN no longer reflecting the global power dynamics in terms of representation from regional middle powers in the Global South.
However, positive developments were also highlighted. Reflections pointed to how greater conceptual awareness of different understandings of mediation and dialogue, can help safeguard a plurality of approaches to the same; the development of successful future peace operations relate increasingly to the role of middle powers through their legitimacy, capabilities and political will; more established instruments such as UN peacekeeping missions are effective for reducing violence; and how cooperation and division of labour between global and regional organisations can help reduce some of the identified complexities and give more room for benefits due to the organisations’ complementary profiles.
(Senior Researcher Corinne Bara, Postdoctoral Researcher Sara Lindberg Bromley, Assistant Professor Yvan Ilunga)
(Associate Researcher Calle Håkansson, Senior Researcher Timo Smit)
(Associate Fellow Minna Åhlander, Researcher & Director Roderick Parkes (PhD))
The scientific workshop The future of multilateralism in peace, security and development was arranged at the FBA premises 14-16 January.
Are you interested in knowing more about the workshop discussions? Or do you want to receive e-mails about FBA's research with information about, for example, new research publications and application deadlines for research groups?
Contact us at researchunit@fba.se
The assessment process for FBA’s Research Grants 2025 has been completed. Six policy-relevant research projects have been awarded funding. The selected projects concern, inter alia, local self-governance in Ukraine during the full-scale Russian invasion, the Colombian population’s view of the peace process, coalition building in authoritarian regimes, and sieges carried out by non-state armed groups.
2025-03-03 16:13FBA has both increased and adapted its work in Ukraine in the wake of Russia's invasion.
FBA in UkraineKlara Grenhagen works as a specialist at FBA's Africa unit with a focus on dialogue, reconciliation and peace processes.
More about our expertsFBA is part of Sweden’s development aid within the area of peace and security
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