FBA's International Research Working Groups form an important part of the agency's evidence-based approach. From left: Mathilda Lindgren, FBA; Corinne Bara, researcher; Sara Lindberg Bromley, researcher.
What links can be observed between climate change, environmental degradation and insecurity in Eastern Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC)? What can be done to face the compound conflict and climate risks in a holistic and inclusive manner? Taking into consideration the importance of Eastern DRC for the global climate; adjacent to the immense Congo Basin, a vital water source for the African continent, and rich in strategic minerals, while also mired in seemingly intractable conflict for nearly thirty years, this report seeks to address some of these emerging questions.
The report is based on the findings of a multidisciplinary workshop organised in Bukavu in March 2023 by Folke Bernadotte Academy (FBA) in collaboration with the North and South Kivu based organisations Réseau CREF (Network for the Conservation and Restoration of Forest Ecosystems) and Strong Roots Congo. The workshop brought together Congolese researchers, practitioners from state and non-state entities and members of civil society, representing the environmental, agricultural, security and peacebuilding sectors.
The research and joint analyses presented in the report show the urgent need for increased knowledge about climate impacts on conflict dynamics in the region. It also emphasises the importance of collaborative, inclusive and locally adapted approaches to tackle the consequences of climate change in a way that contributes to conflict prevention and resolution, and builds resilience in local populations. The report also calls for conflict sensitive and rights-based approaches to nature conservation, and for a land tenure system that facilitates equitable distribution of natural resources and enhanced environmental protection.
The initiative is launched as part of FBA’s contribution to Sweden’s bilateral cooperation strategy for the DRC (2021-2025).
Participating in FBA’s International Research Working Groups offers a unique opportunity for researchers to contribute to the work for peace, security, and development. The thematic scope is now expanding with five new groups, inviting interested scholars from around the world to apply.
2025-03-13 16:49FBA has both increased and adapted its work in Ukraine in the wake of Russia's invasion.
FBA in UkraineKlara Grenhagen works as a specialist at FBA's Africa unit with a focus on dialogue, reconciliation and peace processes.
More about our expertsFBA is part of Sweden’s development aid within the area of peace and security
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