Leveraging Transnational Municipal Cooperation for Crisis Management Amidst Russia's Invasion of Ukraine

In the wake of Russia's full-scale invasion of Ukraine, an unexpected asset has emerged in the realm of crisis governance: Transnational Municipal Cooperation. What has traditionally been considered a “weak” policy instrument during peacetime could prove to be a powerful tool in addressing the complex challenges brought on by geopolitical upheaval.

FBA annually funds research projects within peace, security, and development conducted by members of the agency's international research working groups. The grants promote empirical research with high policy relevance.

One of this year’s funded research projects is titled “Crisis governance in a multi-level democracy: transnational municipal cooperation during Russia’s full-scale invasion.” Karina Shyrokykh, a Docent in International Relations at Stockholm University and non-resident Senior Research Fellow at the Kyiv School of Economics (KSE), is the lead researcher of the project. She emphasizes the urgency of this new research, which will be conducted in collaboration with Oleksandra Keudel, Associate Professor at the KSE.

– In a rapidly deteriorating security situation in Europe, understanding the potential and limitations of different cooperation tools for managing crises has never been more urgent, says Shyrokykh.

After Russia’s invasion, several Baltic Sea Region (BSR) states enhanced their Transnational Municipal Cooperation (TMC) with Ukraine. For instance, out of 213 partnerships in the German-Ukrainian municipal network, 133 were signed since 2022.

– The growing use of TMCs between the BSR countries and Ukraine against the backdrop of a geopolitical crisis in Europe is intriguing because TMC is typically seen as a “weak” policy instrument for low-politics matters in peacetime, reflects Shyrokykh.

Recognizing the empirical significance, Shyrokykh initiated a research cooperation with the KSE focusing on leveraging TMC for effective crisis management amidst geopolitical upheaval. Her project specifically explores the mobilization and impacts of TMC between Sweden and Ukraine. As a university with a track record of research in Ukraine’s local self-government, KSE is well-placed as a partner for Crisis-TMC.

Understanding Transnational Municipal Cooperation and Its Advantages in Crisis Management

TMC involves inter-municipal collaboration across countries, taking forms such as municipal twinning and transnational municipal networks (TMNs). These partnerships enable municipalities to share expertise, best practices, and resources, addressing local governance challenges effectively.

Shyrokykh's research examines TMC's mobilization and effects during international crises, rather than in tranquil times, potentially transforming our understanding of its utility.

– TMC is uniquely flexible and non-hierarchical, making it a potent tool for crisis management when intergovernmental cooperation is insufficient or difficult to establish. It can also complement traditional inter-state cooperation, offering a parallel track for managing crises in Europe and enhancing overall resilience and response capabilities, she explains.

Understanding both the potential and limitations of TMC is crucial. The research suggests that TMC's effects may vary across different policy areas and beneficiary characteristics. By highlighting these nuances, the study aims to inform more effective applications of TMC in building local resilience during international crises.

Future Practical Applications

The findings from Shyrokykh’s and Keudel’s research can have significant implications for the future of self-government and local democracy in Ukraine, especially in emergency and post-war recovery efforts.

– Engaging local communities and leveraging TMC’s accumulated knowledge can enhance policy relevance. Additionally, Sweden can draw valuable lessons from Ukraine’s experiences in municipal self-governance, contributing to Swedish preparedness planning and resilience building, states Shyrokykh.

As the world navigates complex geopolitical challenges, innovative approaches like TMC offer promising avenues for effective crisis management. Crisis-TMC highlights TMC's potential to enhance local governance and resilience in times of crisis, providing valuable insights for policymakers and communities alike. The ongoing war in Ukraine underscores the urgency of such studies, emphasizing the need for flexible, adaptive tools in the face of unprecedented global challenges.

Read more about FBA’s International Research Working Groups


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