Supporting Ukraine during the war – FBA's role

FBA has been mandated by the government to implement Sweden's strategy for recovery and reform cooperation with Ukraine for the period 2023-2027, together with Sida and the Swedish Institute. Through our efforts, we will contribute to the goal of Ukraine's EU integration, which is a crucial aspect of creating long-term conditions for peace and security in Ukraine.

Sweden is one of the countries that for many years has provided the most substantial aid to Ukraine, both in terms of reform-oriented development cooperation and humanitarian support. FBA has a long-standing presence in the country and has established itself as an important partner at local, regional, and national levels.

In response to the acute crisis following Russia's full-scale invasion in February 2022, and to contribute to the bilateral strategic goals for Sweden's recovery and reform cooperation with Ukraine, the FBA has both expanded and adapted its work in Ukraine. 

Ukrainian partnerships and local presence  

To effectively adapt our support to the rapidly changing situation in Ukraine, FBA works in close cooperation with a range of state actors and civil society organisations within the country. We continuously monitor developments on the ground and plan to station a staff member at the Embassy in Kyiv. More than seven experts are also seconded by FBA to international operations led by the European Union (EU), United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), European Union Advisory Mission (EUAM) and UN Resident Coordinator Office (RCO) in Ukraine.  

By being responsive to Ukrainian priorities and designing our activities in close dialogue with national and local actors, the FBA contributes to Ukrainian ownership of the reconstruction and reform efforts. 

International and Swedish cooperation  

FBA cooperates with several international actors and EU institutions that are central to the Swedish strategic mission’s focus on supporting Ukraine´s EU accession. FBA also has a close dialogue with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Swedish authorities and other actors operational in Ukraine.  

What FBA does:

Security and stabilisation   

The FBA contributes to Ukraine's EU integration through support for security and stabilisation.   

The needs among veterans, internally displaced persons (IDPs) and returnees  

Ukraine's veterans are currently estimated at around 1,200,000, a figure expected to multiply by the end of the war. Over 3.5 million people have been displaced within the country, and over 6 million are displaced outside Ukraine's borders as a result of the war.  The country's ability to address the needs of the large number of combatants and displaced people is crucial for long-term stability and reconstruction.  

As an actor with extensive experience of reintegration processes in different parts of the world and policy development in the field, FBA works for the social, economic and political reintegration of veterans, IDPs and returnees, with a clear gender perspective and focus on inclusive processes. 

Take part of the perspectives of Ukrainian veterans and learn more about FBA's work to support veterans' reintegration.

Counteracting destabilisation   

Ukraine's liberated areas face several challenges following the Russian occupation, including human rights violations and the breakdown of the rule of law and security. Reclaiming and integrating these areas into the societal rebuilding is critical to prevent destabilisation, and is a stated priority for Ukraine.  

In an initial phase, the FBA focuses on addressing acute security challenges and re-establishing public services in liberated areas to contribute to social cohesion and enhanced resilience.   

Through expertise in dialogue, mediation, and gender equality, as well as cooperation with local and international actors, the FBA works to strengthen the relationship between authorities and the population and support actors in the Ukrainian security sector. 

Human rights, democracy, rule of law and gender equality  

To support Ukraine's reform efforts, the FBA assists in strengthening democratic governance, respect for human rights, and the rule of law in Ukraine.   

By building the capacity of state institutions and municipalities to implement reforms in areas central to Ukraine's EU membership – and strengthening the role of civil society in these processes – the FBA contributes to improved conditions for accountability, increased transparency, reduced corruption, and a more equal Ukrainian society.   

Two years of Ukrainian resistance  

Two years after Russia's full-scale invasion of Ukraine, the world is witnessing a country characterised by resilience and determination to build a better future.   

Learn more about the EU's and Sweden's continued support and its crucial importance for long-term peace and security in Ukraine through our interview with Johanna Gårdmark, Head of FBA's new Ukraine Unit.   

Hear more about the importance of an inclusive approach to recovery and reconstruction from three of FBA's partners.

Targeted training programmes  

The FBA strengthens the work of the EU and the UN in Ukraine through training in various areas, including leadership development, gender mainstreaming and security.

In June 2022, a number of observes with the Organization Security and Co-operation in Europe  (OSCE) conducted the course Hostile Environment Awareness Training (HEAT) ahead of an observer mission in the Kyiv region, under the auspices of FBA. 

Two of the participants, Marine Constant and Aleksandar Sekulić, both with crucial roles in the Ukraine Monitoring Initiative, share how the course has benefited them.


Over the years, a wide range of publications have been produced. These have been used, for example, by Ukrainian municipalities to conduct their own conflict analyses and to identify needs for the reintegration of veterans in their local communities.

Factsheet: Veteran Reintegration in Ukraine 

One year of Ukrainian resistance    

One year after Russia's invasion, FBA produced several videos with our own experts as well as our Ukrainian partners to highlight the importance of civilian support in strengthening Ukraine's resilience and ability to cope with the consequences of the war.

Civilian Support for Ukraine

Despite the ongoing war and an unpredictable future, civilian support is crucial for laying the foundation for long-term, sustainable peace in Ukraine. But what does civilian support entail, and what are the long-term challenges facing the country.

Rule of Law and Democratic Resilience in Ukraine at War

For almost a decade, extensive decentralization efforts have taken place in Ukraine. Since 2015, FBA has worked together with 15 Ukrainian municipalities to improve citizens' access to public services and enhance their knowledge of their rights.

Local communities' support to internally displaced persons

The war has forced millions of Ukrainians t within their country. Providing basic community services – such as restoring lost passports or other personal documents – can pose a challenge for host communities. FBA and its partners support local Ukrainian authorities in continuing to deliver essential services and increasing the knowledge of internally displaced persons about their rights.

Reintegration of Veterans

Tens of thousands have been injured and killed in Russia's war against Ukraine. Over three million individuals, including veterans and their families, are estimated to need support from the Ukrainian Veterans Department once the war is over. How can Ukraine tackle the complex task of assisting veterans in transitioning from military to civilian life?

Reconstruction and Long-Term Peace

How can actors like FBA navigate a new security landscape with a significant focus on military armament, as well as in a context where there are vast and urgent humanitarian needs?




Changes in FBA's work with partner countries in 2025

During 2025, FBA’s strategy-driven operations in several partner countries will come to an end. At the turn of the year 2024–2025, FBA concluded its current missions in Mali, Myanmar, and Palestine, and during 2025, the missions in Liberia and Iraq will also conclude. In some of these countries, FBA’s activities will continue under the agency’s regional or thematic strategies for development cooperation.

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Read our publications

Cover of Beyond Vulnerability: A Guidance Note on Youth, Climate, Peace and Security. A group of young people photographed from above walking in a row across a pocture of trees. Below is the title and the logos of UNDPA, Sipri and FBA.

Beyond Vulnerability: A Guidance Note on Youth, Climate, Peace and Security

In recent years, young people’s crucial role in preventing conflict and maintaining peace has become increasingly recognized as the Youth, Peace and Security (YPS) agenda has gained momentum. At the same time, the Climate, Peace and Security (CPS) field is developing rapidly at the research and policy levels. CPS is also increasingly becoming an entry point for programming; recognizing the interactions between climate change and existing vulnerabilities, which compound risks of insecurity, including violent conflict and the erosion of social cohesion.

UNDP, Sipri, FBA

On international deployment


Abstract silhouettes of people, the backdrop is a Ukrainian flag.

The War in Ukraine – How FBA is Assisting

FBA has both increased and adapted its work in Ukraine in the wake of Russia's invasion.

FBA in Ukraine
Klara Grenhagen works as a specialist at FBA's Africa unit with a focus on dialogue, reconciliation and peace processes.

Klara Grenhagen

Klara Grenhagen works as a specialist at FBA's Africa unit with a focus on dialogue, reconciliation and peace processes.

More about our experts
Cloesup photo of the top half of a globe

Our partner countries

FBA is part of Sweden’s development aid within the area of peace and security

Read more about the countries where we work