Monrovia, Liberia
Challenges Forum
The International Forum for the Challenges of Peace Operations (Challenges Forum) is a partnership dedicated to the advancement of UN peace operations. The Challenges Forum International Secretariat is hosted by the FBA in Stockholm, Sweden.Challenges Forum provides a platform for dialogue among partner organizations from all continents, including the five permanent member states of the United Nations Security Council. It represents a unique network of ministries, governmental agencies, think-tanks and research institutions where military and police officers, academics, civil servants and diplomats all contribute.
FBA is hosting the Challenges Forum International Secretariat in coordination with the other Swedish partner organizations: the Swedish Armed Forces, Swedish Police and Swedish Prison and Probation Service.
Global activity includes an annual forum, seminars, working groups, studies, reports and field visits arranged and financed by the Challenges Forum’s partner organizations. Since its beginning in 1996, Challenges Forum has contributed to concept and doctrine development for international peace operations.
Read more on the Challenges Forum web site.