Terms of reference for FBA’s scholarship in Palestine

Assignment title: FBA scholarship

Host entity: The Palestinian Initiative for the Promotion of Global Dialogue and Democracy, MIFTAH

Assignment category: Scholarship

Duty station, country: Ramallah/Palestine

Duration (in months): 12 months

Expected starting date: 2023-03-01 or according to agreement


Organizational context and brief description  

MIFTAH was established in 1998 as an independent Palestinian civil society institution committed to fostering the principles of democracy, good governance and effective dialogue. Ever since its establishment, MIFTAH was dedicated to Palestinian nation-building and empowerment on the basis of the principles of democracy, human rights, rule of law, and participatory governance. In support of good governance and democracy, MIFTAH influences public policy formulation for safeguarding citizens’ rights and to enhance justice and rule of law, with a special focus on marginalized segments of Palestinian society, especially women and youth.

MIFTAH works within its core values of:

  • Transparency
  • Accountability
  • Credibility
  • Integrity
  • Neutrality
  • Independence
  • Professionalism and work ethics
  • Participation and inclusiveness
  • Non discrimination
  • Equality and gender responsiveness

One of the main thematic areas that MIFTAH works on is the advancement of the women, peace and security agenda. MIFTAH aims at enhancing women’s rights through the agenda’s four pillars; protection, participation, prevention and accountability, in line with UNSCR 1325 and the general comments 30 and 32 of CEDAW and other relevant UN resolutions and human rights conventions.

MIFTAH plays a leading role in the advancement of the women, peace and security agenda in Palestine through the formation of local coalitions for the implementation of UNSCR 1325 and the formation of the Palestinian Women Coalition and defining of its vision and strategic directions over two generations of advocacy strategies and action plans. Additionally, MIFTAH is an active member in the Higher National Committee for the Implementation of UNSCR 1325 headed by the Ministry of Women’s Affairs.

MIFTAH supported the formulation of the Palestinian national vision of UNSCR 1325 and building consensus on it, providing evidences for advocacy purposes based on documented human rights violations against women and girls, and providing an inclusive dialogue sphere that coordinates efforts and supports women to hold the Israeli occupation accountable for the violations committed against women. MIFTAH invests in the networks and alliances at the regional and international levels to present women demands for protection at the international level and initiate the needed lobbying for activating the implementation of Article 11 within the UNSCR 1325.

MIFTAH has a diverse team consisting of an equal number of women and men with a considerable presence of youth. MIFTAH operates in areas covering the whole of the West Bank and Gaza Strip (WBGS) through its main office located in Ramallah, in close coordination with active field coordinators assigned in eight districts within the WBGS. More precisely, MIFTAH expands its activities to cover the most marginalized areas in the WBGS (including east Jerusalem) and Area C.

The organization maintains a learning environment with a focus on team-building through continuous mentoring and on-the-job training. Moreover, the team has an annual retreat and monthly staff meetings that include a Palestinian breakfast.

To read more about MIFTAH, please visit their website.

Supervision, induction and duty of care

The scholarship recipient should be provided equal duty of care as extended to all host entity personnel. Host entity support to the recipient includes, but is not limited to:

  • Introductory briefings about the organization and office-related context including security, emergency procedures, good cultural practice and orientation to the local environment;
  • Support with arrival administration and official processes as required;
  • Structured guidance, mentoring and coaching by a supervisor including a clear activity plan and performance feedback;
  • Access to equipment and tools required to complete the activity plan;
  • Access to shared host entity corporate knowledge, training and learning;
  • Provision of all necessary security measures as per host agency and FBA policy;
  • Leave management;
  • DSA/similar for official travel, when applicable.

Changes to the assignment are to be formalized with the FBA.

Description of tasks

Within the delegated authority and under the supervision of the MIFTAH Programme Director/Officer or his/her designated mandated representative(s), the selected candidate will attend to the following activities:

  • Supporting the daily work of MIFTAH in the WBGS on women, peace and security projects, including the attendance of meetings, workshops and preparation of report.
  • Monitor issues related to the women, peace and security agenda in the WBGS.
  • Supporting the MIFTAH team in documenting human rights violations against women and girls in various locations of the WBGS and in reviewing documentation reports.
  • Participate in the review of implementation of the advocacy strategy for the Women Coalition for the Implementation of UNSCR 1325.
  • Participating in the strategic review of MIFTAH’s WPS programme.
  • Preparing the basis for e.g. a gendered conflict analysis and take part in the development of briefs and results reports, both internal and external.
  • Support MIFTAH’s media team to promote success stories of women in the WPS framework in the WBGS, in addition to the preparation of info-graphics and factsheets on relevant issues.
  • Participate in the follow-up of women and youth efforts in national reconciliation.
  • Engaged in MIFTAH’s awareness and outreach on advancing women political participation.
  • Support the preparation of statements and positions papers related to WPS.
  • Support in the coordination for the organization of specialized events within different international platforms. Support in the planning for digital advocacy campaigning on issues pertaining to the WPS agenda.

Pending on the background and interests of the selected candidate, participation in the activities above will be assembled into a personal action plan. Other related tasks as may be required or assigned by the supervisor.

Furthermore, the selected candidate is encouraged to integrate the capacity-building and training provided by FBA on the 1325 resolution with the hosting organization’s work. As such, the selected candidate is encouraged to dedicate part of his/her time to some of the following suggested activities:

  • Strengthen knowledge and understanding of the 1325 resolution;
  • Continuous contact with team members of the FBA bilateral strategy project;
  • Provide annual and end of assignment self-reports on the FBA scholarship period, including results and opportunities;
  • Contribute to articles/write-ups on field experiences and submit them for FBA publications/websites, newsletters, press releases, etc;
  • Contribute to and assist with the Scholarship Network.


All applicants are required to fulfil the following requirements:

  • Two years of relevant experience from the local context (not having been employed by the hosting organization the last two years);
  • A confirmed strong dedication to the women, peace and security agenda and/or working for gender equality;
  • Legal permit of residency and/or current settlement in the context and national connection/link (citizenship is not required but the applicant shall have the intension to continuously operate as an agent of change in the context after the scholarship).


 a)   Education, qualifications, skills, experience, areas of expertise

  • University degree in a relevant area, e.g. international law, gender studies, development or related area
  • At least one year of professional work experience at the national and/or international level in WPS, human rights, gender equality or other relevant programmes; experience with UNSCR 1325 is an asset, as is experience working with civil society organizations or national/international organizations
  • A good understanding of human rights law and international humanitarian law
  • A good understanding of the Palestinian context, especially on issues relevant to UNSR 1325
  • Familiarity with UNSCRs and international advocacy mechanisms

b)  Competencies and values         

  • Proven analytical and critical thinking skills
  • Fluency in written and spoken English
  • A cooperative attitude and ability to do independent work as well as the ability to work within a team
  • The ability to join the team for ‘field work’ in various locations across the WBGS
  • Reporting and research skills

c) Language skills

  • Working knowledge of spoken and written English is required
  • Fluency in Arabic is considered an advantage 


The scholarship lasts for the period indicated above. As this is a national assignment, the scholarship recipient will be responsible for arranging his/her own housing and other living essentials and travel to and from duty station, but will be provided with allowances compensating for his/her expenses.

The allowance package consists of the following:

  • Living allowance provided to sustain a basic, adequate and safe lifestyle;
  • Settling-in-grant to meet initial expenses upon arrival at the duty station and preparation ahead of the given period;
  • Family-visiting grant that is paid on case-by-case basis depending on location.

Extended allowances in the form of an accommodation supplement and a well-being differential are decided by FBA in consultation with the hosting organization if the placement is located in areas where rental markets are distorted or to account for added risks to health and security.

The FBA will organize and cover costs that are related to introduction and capacity-building activities. 

MIFTAH contact for this scholarship:
Lamis Shu’aibi
Programme Director
MIFTAH Palestine
Email: lamis@miftah.org

Alternative contact:
Riham Al Faqih
Development, Communication and Outreach Director
MIFTAH Palestine
Email: riham@miftah.org

Contact at FBA:
Isa Li Axberg
Thematic Officer
Folke Bernadotte Academy
Email: 1325scholarship@fba.se


Scholarship Opportunity for Young Leaders in Women, Peace, and Security in Palestine 

Are you a young changemaker with a strong commitment to women, peace and security? Do you have experience working in this field in Palestine and want to take your commitment to the next level? Then you have the opportunity to apply for the 1325 scholarship in memory of Zaida Catalán. 

2025-03-10 09:59

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